Houston Startups List

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Meet 10 attorney View everyone

ID 320779

Ben Miller

Attorney at @benjamin-miller-pllc • I represent startups & emerging companies in their business, corporate & technology transactions

ID 229463

Kenneth M. Anderson Houston

Based in Houston, Texas, Kenneth M. Anderson presently serves as a Partner with Sidley Austin LLP an int. law firm commanding approximately 1700 lawyers.

ID 151998

Kiwi Camara

Founder and CEO of CS Disco, litigation partner at Camara & Sibley LLP; PhD student (econ) Stanford, JD Harvard, BSCS.

ID 10534

Huan Le

Attorney with practical business knowledge. Great at launching ventures--having launched 3 in the past 2 years.

ID 104024

Nathan Cherry

Project Finance / Infrastructure Attorney turned Energy Investment Banker

ID 208685

Manfred Sternberg


Texas Business Lawyer. Health Information Exchange Leader.

ID 479957

Sameer Birring

JD from Harvard; former law clerk to federal judge; research fellow at Initiative on Neuroscience and Law; interested in tech.

ID 134947

D. C. Toedt

Tech company lawyer. Former VP/GC of BVEW (Nasdaq), partner at national IP firm. Law review, high-honors math degree at UT Austin. Ex-Navy nuke officer.

ID 478872

Philip Racusin

Successful attorney and entrepreneur. Practicing atty for >7 years. UVA Commerce & Econ. CEO of EnergyFunders.com. Board of ReZilientDirect.

ID 179698

Jerome Godinich

A distinguished criminal defense attorney, Jerome Godinich Jr. works to protect the legal rights of his clients, particularly those accused of felonies.

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