Houston Startups List

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Meet 6 individual investor View everyone

ID 78485

Ettiene Edemidiong

Owner, Dorchester Resource Group

ID 61884

Justin Kvasnicka


Sr. Strategy Advisor, Dell, Inc. Formerly Fund Manager, BR Venture Fund; Senior Analyst, Capital Southwest Corporation; Analyst, JP Morgan Investment Bank.

ID 44623

David DesAutels

Director Development Geoscience for Noble Energy, Inc. Execute projects related to planning and strategy and oil and gas development. Business Leadership.

ID 47354

Scott Wright

Co-Founder for @webpet; Founded multiple startups, first at age 16; Founded @xpediant in 2001. Aggressive leader who inspires team members;Strong Tech background

ID 55079

Larry Simmons, Jr

Day Trader. Wholesaler. Co-Owner of @l-e-a-r-investments

ID 266324

Chris Cummins


CFO/COO of NanoRacks. 3 years at NanoRacks,12 years on Wall Street developing and trading fund-linked financial products. 2 years at NASA/JSC. Cornell Physics/Government, Yale (SOM), NYU MS Stats

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