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Meet 3 mobile developer View everyone

ID 155030

Karl V. Reed

Founder D.A.S.H. Logistics, D.A.S.H. Logistics • Worked at @ibm, @xerox • Studied at @tulane-university, @creighton-university

ID 8156

Todd Colletti

Headed planning Sony PS1, 2; led dev, 3 major patents CBS Int.; Broadcast live, CMS dev for Bejing as VP Ops for MediaZone; Led HTML5 dev as VP, @moblyng.

ID 469874

Balraj Randhawa

I have worked on more than 25 mobile apps on iOS, Android, and HTML5 . I want to work for startups and companies of all sizes to develop their mobile strategy.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);