Houston Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Houston.

Meet 48 operations View everyone

ID 457964

John Archer

coming soon

ID 439552


Peter F Drucker MBA; Claremont Research Institute Associate; Fellow of Institute for Independent Business; FINRA Series 79 and 63; Former Chairman of Texas Business Group; Chair of International Independent Business University Management Track; adjunct pr

ID 490953

Ryan Knefel

Recent Graduate with MA in Applied Economics; Seeking an opportunity to contribute to ambitious projects.

ID 331994

David Cross

Founded Ternion CrossFit, Engineer at Shell, Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech.

ID 467659

Matt Dahse


Investment banker, serial entrepreneur, and co-founder of BackpackForever.com

ID 33002

Bryan Guido Hassin

Co-founder of three global cleantech startups (two acquired), CXO of two more (one acquired). @imd-1 MBA, @rice-university CS/EE, and ex @uunet

ID 472461

Fan-Pei Koung

Rice Health Educator, data management for five research studies at MD Anderson.

ID 154550

Dale Betz

ID 392024

Mandy Liu Brake

Co-Founder @lrngo • Former Applications Engineer at @texas-instruments • Studied at @rice-university, @northwestern-university

ID 458291

Steven Geloneck

Expert in the emerging field of Virtual Reality (VR) and natural locomotion translation in VR. Harvard Alumnus and member of the United States Navy.

ID 455543

Jonathan Tauber

Rice MBA, M&A experience acquiring 2 companies, Energy Commodity Marketing with Logistics Experience

ID 358659

Keith Hall

Technology Enthusiast. Co-founder Storagy, Bucketly, Photorg. Team member at @intel. Strong technical background. MS @purdue-university MS @TAMU

ID 227668

Lord Jesus (Meredith DeDominicis)

Founder A Advantage Safe & Lock, LLC • Worked at @continental-airlines, @cutting-edge-closets

ID 477616

Brandon Stein

Current Management Consultant at Deloitte, Texas MBA. Looking for challenging opportunity to drive growth, sales and marketing effectiveness. Extremely driven...right team and environment is key!

ID 486917

Dean Alexander

Rice MBA whose only experiences are with startups; intimately familiar with culture and environments focusing on flexibility and sweat equity.

ID 349236

Ahmed F. Haque

Bioengineering PhD Student at Rice University; Nokia Sensing X Challenge Finalist; HHMI Cancer Research Fellow; Healthcare Innovation Enthusiast

ID 220244

Ron Long


Recognized thought leader and visionary who leads through the conveyance of desired outcomes and creating strategic advantages through people and technology

ID 78443

Orin Ford Flask

business development

ID 121981

Eduardo Gonzalez Loumiet, MBA, PMP

Entrepreneur, Advisor and Project Manager. Work at Uber Opearations. Co-founded BCMPros. Founded @gonzalez-loumiet-group and FuseTank.

ID 487047

Senalka McDonald

Full fellowship to CCA; Core Program Fellow; Created and taught university level classes; Visiting Artist at SMU; Murphy & Cadogan Fellowship and Jurors Award.

ID 134041

Ryan Jones


Product & Business Operations Manager. Data nut. Interested in iOS software eating the world. @duke-university

ID 69788

Aron Susman


CPA, Co-Founder of @thesquarefoot, formerly VP at Medical Design Technologies. MPA from UT - Austin.

ID 32058

Ray Birden

Auto Industry Expert. SVP, @carquest; VP of Operations at WorldPac; Founder - @myrepairshop.com

ID 464883

Tom Madaras, MBA

ID 324771

Robert M. Franklin III

Strategy and Finance professional looking to work in Banking tech.

ID 498868

Matt Dietrichson

Proven community organizer, event planner and educator. Worked at award-winning non-profit organization. High energy, fast learner, passion for sustainability.

ID 418892

Christopher Moye

Biochemist PhD looking for a job in either biotech research or chemist in the oil and natural gas industry

ID 479628

Salima Dhamani

ID 306074

Jeff Case

Founder @100weekly, @Topless Cookbook. Graphic Designer & Operations Manager @Cylex Inc. Design @asu

ID 496875

Job Chan

Former Apparel Company Owner working with Wongfu, now Full-Time Consultant

ID 479963

Sean Thompson

Multi-talented project manager with a strong drive for self-improvement and setting ambitious goals.

ID 94848

Ahmed Malik

Experienced Executive in Retail Electricity Industry

ID 386092

Melissa Gutiere


ID 272056

Pranav Kothari

Visionary entrepreneur with lengthy international experience providing executive level leadership to global teams.

ID 498382


ID 502384

Guillermo Gonzalez

MBA with Finance concentration. CS and Math BSc. Programming since childhood. Have worked as consultant mostly for financial cos and telcos.

ID 112725

Nader Islam

University of Texas at Austin; Masters in Accounting. 5 years spent in a combination of public accounting and operations analysis. Passionate and ready to translate corporate competency to a startup.

ID 446831

Rodney Day

Successful at building large high-performance sales teams and leading sophisticated sales and marketing organizations to new levels of success.

ID 500676

Michael Tsai

ID 476377

Nicholas Chominski

Ecolab Operations, Penn State Forever

ID 347538

Post All Here

Founder PostAllHere

ID 124093

Gideon Abey

Founded TrakGraph LLC, Coupzilla, AirMobile Technologies, and Skyler Technologies

ID 291367

Nicole Dial

University of Melbourne masters in information systems 2012; high-tech startup experience; strong background mix of tech and operations; international experience

ID 495693


Small business, high growth experience

ID 456399

Derek Roosken

Texas A&M EET, Engineer at Texas Instruments, L-3 Communications, and Cisco Systems. Strong entrepreneur aspirations. Experience in Sales, EE, marketings, Software, etc.

ID 491072

Andrew Safier

Experience in operations & product mgmt. 6 Sigma black belt. Baylor entrepreneurship BBA. Advanced project mgmt, process improvement, & negotiation skills.

ID 464165

Robert Conrad

Invented the Zeno Acne Medical Device and founded Zeno Medical Corporation, leading the company to the #1 position in the acne care market worldwide.

ID 480727

Craig Crisler

Business Growth and Innovation Executive

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